
Coit11226 assessment - create a work breakdown structure


Complete all tasks and submit the following on Moodle:

- One (1) MS Word report containing answers for each task. The report must include unit name, unit code, student full name, student ID, campus (or distance), lecturer (or tutor) on the front page.
- One (1) MS Project file for Task 3. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the Gantt chart must also be included in the MS Word report.
- One (1) MS Excel spreadsheet for Task 4. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the spreadsheet must also be included in the MS Word report.

Scenario - Lovely Persian Carpets (LPC) Sale Ordering System

Consider a project involving development of an Online Carpet Sale Ordering system for a web-based Persian Carpet Store. The following System and Personnel Information is to be used in Tasks 2 and 3. The Financial Information is to be used in Task 4.

Task 1. System Development Methodology
Provide a short description of each of the following system development methodologies, and then compare the two. The comparison should describe the advantages and disadvantages of one methodology versus the other.

- Modified Waterfall Model
- Extreme Programming

Note that this question is not specific for the Scenario.

What to include in your report for this task?
1. Description of both methodologies
2. Comparison of the methodologies

Task 2. Work Breakdown Structure
For the online carpet sale ordering project, assume you have chosen Extreme Programming as a methodology, and have divided the project into three iterations based on features to be developed:
1. For each order, the system captures the carpet details (product code, size, colour, pattern and price), date/time and a customer remark.
2. The system also capture customer contact details and all payment information.
3. Customer receipts are generated. Monthly management reports are provided.

Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for iteration 1.

Although you may also create a WBS for other iterations, in this Task you should only submit the WBS for iteration 1. The WBS for other iterations will not be marked.

The WBS must be created as a table, either directly in your MS Word report, or using other software (e.g. Excel, Project) and then copied/imported into your report. If you use other software, then you do not need to submit the original file. The WBS must contain only the following columns:

- Task ID
- Task description
- Estimated duration/effort (in days)
- Predecessor Task ID(s)

What to include in your report for this task?
1. The Work Breakdown Structure (a table as in ‘Figure 1-10 Schedule for the first iteration' on prescribe text page 15).

Task 3. Project Gantt Chart

For the online carpet sale ordering project, create a Gantt chart for all iterations of the project. You must include allocation of personnel. Also provide an explanation of the Gantt chart, including any assumptions that were made in preparing it.

What to include in your report for this task?
1. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the full Gantt chart. You MUST also submit the original MS Project file
2. Explanation of Gantt chart and any assumptions

Task 4. Economic Cost Feasibility/ Project Budgeting
Conduct a 5-year cost/benefit analysis by completing all the following items:
1. Create an Excel spreadsheet in common format.
2. Explain the breakeven period for the project, including
a. What breakeven period means,
b. What different types values are obtained for this project, and
c. What these values mean to the customer.
3. Explain the return on investment for the project, including
a. What return on investment means,
b. What its value is for this project,
c. What the value means to the customer, and
d. Whether the project is a worthwhile investment and the project should be continued or not.

What to include in your report for this task?
1. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the cost/benefit analysis spreadsheet. You MUST also submit the original MS Excel file.
2. Answers about the breakeven period
3. Answers about the return on investment

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Basic Computer Science: Coit11226 assessment - create a work breakdown structure
Reference No:- TGS02744971

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