
Coit11226 - assessment - create a gantt chart of the


Complete all tasks and submit the following on Moodle:

- One (1) MS Word report containing answers for each task. The report must include unit name, unit code, student full name, student ID, campus (or distance), lecturer (or tutor) on the front page.

- One (2) MS Project file for Task 3. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the Gantt chart must also be included in the MS Word report.

- One (3) MS Excel spreadsheet for Task 4. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the spreadsheet must also be included in the MS Word report.

Project Case Study - Mercy Hospital Pharmacy

Consider a project involving development of an Online Mercy Hospital Pharmacy system. The following Information is to be used in Tasks 2 and 3. The Financial Information is to be used in Task 4.

System Information

Mercy Hospital currently handles the following procedures manually. You, as a system analyst, and your colleague in a software development team are invited to solve the problems of Mercy Hospital by setting up a computer application as a part of an information system in the Mercy Hospital pharmacy.

The pharmacy at Mercy Hospital fills medical prescriptions for all hospital patients and distributes these medications to the nurse stations responsible for the patients' care. Prescriptions are written by doctors and sent to the pharmacy. A pharmacy technician reviews each prescription and sends it to the appropriate pharmacy station. Prescriptions for drugs that must be formulated (made on-site) are sent to the lab station,prescriptions for off-the-shelf drugs are sent to the shelving stations, and prescriptions for narcotics are sent to the secure stations.

At each station, a pharmacist reviews the order, checks the patient's file to determine the appropriateness of the prescriptions and files the order if the dosage is at a safe level and it will not negatively interact with the other medication or allergies indicated in the patient's file.

If the pharmacist does not fill the order, the prescribing doctor is contacted to discuss the situation. In this case, the order may ultimately be filled, or the doctor may write another prescription depending on the outcome of the discussion. Once filled, a prescription label is generated listing the patient's name, the drug type and dosage, an expiration date, and any special instructions. The label is placed on the drug container, and the order is sent to the appropriate nurse station. The patient's admission number, the drug type, the drug amount dispensed, and the cost of the prescription are then sent to the Billing Department.

Personnel Information

The project team consists of 4 members. Each team member may take on different roles during the project, but only one role at a time. For example, one person may take the role of ‘analyst' and ‘Programmer', but not at the same time.

Financial Information

The customer and the oversight committee of the project indicated that the initial investment costof the project is $30,000.00. They foresaw a consistent recurring cost of $3,500 in using the technology with an expected discount rate of 7% within a 5-year period. They also worked out their forecasted benefits as $14,000.00, $17,000.00, $20,000, $25,000.00 and $28,000.00 in the 5-year period.

The Tasks

Task 1. System Development Methodology

Provide a short description of each of the following system development methodologies, and then compare the two. The comparison should describe the advantages and disadvantages of one methodology versus the other.

Modified Waterfall Model
Unified Process
Note that this question is not specific for the Scenario.
What to include in your report for this task?
1. Description of both methodologies
2. Comparison of the methodologies

Task 2.Work Breakdown Structure

For the Online Mercy Hospital Pharmacy system Project, assume you have chosen Modified Waterfall Model as a Methodology.
Create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

The WBS must be created as a table, either directly in your MS Word report, or using other software (e.g. Excel, Project) and then copied/imported into your report. If you use other software, then you do not need to submit the original file. The WBS must contain only the following columns:
- Task ID
- Task description
- Estimated duration/effort (in days)
- Predecessor Task ID(s)
- What to include in your report for this task?

1. The Work Breakdown Structure (a table).

Task 3.Project Gantt Chart

For the Online Mercy Hospital Pharmacy system, create a Gantt chart of the project. You must include allocation of personnel. Also provide an explanation of the Gantt chart, includingany assumptions that were made in preparing it.

What to include in your report for this task?

1. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the full Gantt chart. You MUST also submit the original MS Project file
2. Explanation of Gantt chart and any assumptions

Task 4. Economic Cost Feasibility/ Project Budgeting
Conduct a 5-year cost/benefit analysis by:

1. Create an Excel spreadsheet in common format.

2. Explain the breakeven period for the project, including what does breakeven period mean,what is the value for this project, and what that value means to the customer.

3. Explain the return on investment for the project, including when does return on investmentmean, what is the value for this project, what that values means to the customer, and whetherthe project is worthwhile and should be continued or not.
What to include in your report for this task?

1. A screenshot or copy-and-paste of the cost/benefit analysis spreadsheet. You MUST alsosubmit the original MS Excel file.
2. Answers about the breakeven period
3. Answers about the return on investment

Must use the referencing style - Harvard (author-date)

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Dissertation: Coit11226 - assessment - create a gantt chart of the
Reference No:- TGS02559339

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