
Cognitive development of children

Question 1: State whether the given statements are true or false. Give reasons for similar.

a) There are differences in the rate of development of girls and boys.
b) Critical periods are the only times for learning particular skills.
c) Preschool age children can’t understand cause and effect relationships.
d) Preschool children don’t have a concept of number.
e) Babbling is the earliest form of communication used by the child.

Question 2: Describe in detail:

a) Preschool education is significant for children.
b) It is significant for the child to develop the feeling of trust and sense of security throughout early years.

Question 3: What do you mean by the term cognition? Discuss how caregivers can promote cognitive development of children throughout the first six years of life.

Question 4: Explain one play activity each that you will carry out with preschoolers:

a) To foster the concept of conservation of number
b) To foster memory
c) To foster altruism and empathy
d) To foster the ability to identify common relations    
e) To foster language development

For each activity, mention its content and material(s) needed, if any.

Question 5: What points would you keep in mind while formulating daily schedules for preschool children?                                     
Question 6: Describe how you would discipline children in a child care centre.

Question 7: As a preschool teacher, state how you will:

a) Foster reasoning abilities of children
b) Encourage initiative and independent behavior of children
c) Manage temper tantrums and aggressive behavior of children
d) Help children with speech problems.

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Other Subject: Cognitive development of children
Reference No:- TGS02279

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