
Cognitive development according to piagets stages


The subject you select should be between 1-18 years of age. You must follow APA ethical guidelines as well as grammar, spelling and punctuation.

• You must use an MLA format to submit your observation project.

The following factors must be addressed on your report: Based on the individual's age, you must state and answer in a paragraph format all the following aspects provided next:

• Demographics. (Age, race, sex etc.)

• Appearance. (clothing, approximate height and weight and other defining characteristics)

• Physical Development.

• Cognitive Development. Explain stages according to what your individual is exhibiting at the moment of the observation (Piaget's stages - which one?)

• Emotional and Social Development. Explain states according to what your individual is exhibiting at the moment of the observation (Erickson's stages - which one?)

• Does the child meet the milestones and stages for the physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development?

• Is there anything unusual or "off-development" for this child (deficits as well as giftedness)?

• Your thoughts about the observation.

• Your opinion about what you observed and the application of the theories of development.


• You must use an MLA format for this assignment.

• The observations should be between 2 to 3 pages maximum.

• Write your name on the top of the page.

• Times New Roman and font size is 12.

• Double spaced.

• Focus on content, no fluff.

Please, describe, and provide details and examples observed during the assignment. You must follow the following aspects to complete this assignment successfully:

• Where the Observation took place.

• Child's Physical development observed according to his/her age previously stated on the first paragraph.

• Cognitive Development according to Piaget's stages according to his/her age previously stated on the first paragraph.

• Emotional and Social Development according to Erickson's stages.

• Does the child meet the milestones and stages for the physical, cognitive, and social/emotional development? Yes/No. Explain why.

• Is there anything unusual or "off-development" for this child (deficits as well as giftedness)?

• My thoughts about the Observation.

• My opinion about what I observed and the application of the theories of development

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Microeconomics: Cognitive development according to piagets stages
Reference No:- TGS01819716

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