Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.583484877
R Square 0.340454602
Adjusted R Square 0.327771036
Standard Error 6.576804038
Observations 54
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 1161.041282 1161.041282 26.84218455 3.64553E-06
Residual 52 2249.226271 43.25435136
Total 53 3410.267552
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0% Upper 95.0%
Intercept 1.28392405 0.9633 1.3328 0.1883 -0.6490 3.2169 -0.6490 3.2169
Xt MKT 1.523646216 0.2940 5.1809 3.64553E-06 0.9335 2.1137 0.9335 2.1137
Above is my data from excel (regression about Ecess return of Yahoo(Y) against (Xt MKT)Market Excess return). I want to perform below hypothesis, what would be the following steps? I need CI.
Step 1: State the null alternative hypothesis
Ho: β=1 (neutral stock)
H1: β ≠1 (two side test)