Assignment task:
- Code the case using the ICD-10-CM Code Book. Discuss your routes, analysis, and conclusion for each.
- This is an inpatient case. Can you find the MS-DRG and APR-DRG?
- Are any codes marked as a CC or MCC?
- Assign the POA indicators.
- If you were coding the procedures, which coding system would you use
Coding Scenario:
A 34-year-old female is admitted in active labor during week 39 of pregnancy. She had a previous cesarean section 2 years ago as a result of fetal distress and cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD). No fetal distress was found during this admission, but it was determined that the patient still had CPD; therefore, a repeat low cervical cesarean section had to be performed. A health 8lb, 10oz female was safely delivered.