
code of discipline in the industryto maintain

Code of discipline in the industry:

To maintain discipline in the industry (both in public and private sectors): there has to be (1) a just recognition by employers and workers of the rights and responsibilities of either party, as defined by the laws and agreements (including bipartite agreements arrived at all levels from time to time) and (2) a proper and willing discharge by either party of its obligations consequent on such recognition. The central and state governments, on their parts will arrange to examine ad set right any shortcomings in the machinery they constitute for the administration of labour laws.

To ensure better discipline in the industry: management and unions (s) agree:

1. That no unilateral action should be taken in connection with any industrial matter and that disputes should be settled at appropriate level:

2. That the existing machinery for the settlement of disputes should be utilized with the utmost expedition:

3. That there should be no strike without notice

4. That affirming their faith in democratic principles, they find themselves to settle all future differences, disputes and grievances by mutual negotiation, conciliation and voluntary arbitration:

5. That neither party will have recourse to (a) coercion, (b) intimidation, (c) victimization or (d) go slow;

6. That they will avoid (a) litigation, (b) sit down and stay in strikes and (c) lockouts,

7. That they will promote constructive cooperation b/w their representatives at all levels and as b/w workers themselves and abide by the spirit of agreements mutually entered into:

8. That they will establish upon a mutually agreed basis, a grievance procedure which will ensure a speedy and full investigation leading to settlements

9. That they will abide by the various stages in a grievance procedure and take no arbitrary action which would bypass this procedure and

10. That they will educate the management personnel and workers regarding their obligations to each other.

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HR Management: code of discipline in the industryto maintain
Reference No:- TGS0307594

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