Title: Research Design: Methodology and Literature Review
Assessment Task 1: Active participation and feedback
Goal: This assessment is designed to support and develop your research collaboration skills.
You will give and receive constructive feedback that will result in better research and model the development of a community of researchers.
Product: Oral feedback, completion of tutorial worksheets, and completion of peer feedback sheet
Assessment Task 2a and 2b: Workshop Presentation and Essay
Goal: The purpose of this assessment is for you to gain an in-depth understanding of one particular research method and to present your findings to your peers.
Product: Prepare an essay on one research method, that you use to conduct a presentation to the class group.
Assessment Task 3: Research Proposal
Goal: You will develop the critical skills of developing a research proposal relevant to your proposed thesis research topic or a topic negotiated with the Course Coordinator. This proposal provides the opportunity for you to focus on a research question, methodology and undertake a preliminary literature review appropriate to your chosen topic. The research proposal will be fully referenced and written in academic style.
Product: Research proposal
I Am doing Master of social Work (Qualifying). This is one of the course i need to do. Here enclosed the course outline and explained about criteria.
My interest area of the research is Multicultural ageing in Australia or Multicultural people issues....etc.
I have my all lecture note and learning materials and all the stuffs related to the course.
I really need one essay and research proposal. based on essay i can prepare the short presentation slides.
1) Essay 1500 word count.
2) Research Proposal 3000 word