Coastal Engineering and Modelling Assignments-
Assignment - MIKE 21 Flow Model FM
The Øresund Fixed Link is a combined road and train connection that links Denmark with Sweden across the Øresund (the strait that separates the two countries). It is made up of an 8 km bridge, a 4 km artificial island and a 4 km tunnel. Construction of the EUR 4 billion Fixed Link required dredging 7 million m3 of seabed material (limestone and glacial till). Built under very stringent, legally binding environmental requirements, Øresundsbro Konsortiet had to ensure that the Fixed Link had zero impact on the environment - including hydrography (water flow through Øresund).

At the same time, there had to be zero impact outside a 500 m zone on each side of the Fixed Link five years after construction ended. To comply with the environmental requirements, it needs to ensure that construction of the Fixed Link would not block the exchange of water from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea.
To help to assess this, advanced hydrodynamic models were set up to assess the hydrographic variability in Øresund. In the lab exercise, a MIKE 21 Flow Model with Felxible Mesh (MIKE 21 Flow Model FM) was established and calibrated to a satisfactory level for the period (1993-12-02 00:00 - 1993 -12-13 00:00, 11 days). Please follow the instructions in the pro-forma to complete the Part 1 report.
In the second part of the assignment, the calibrated model will be applied to simulate the hydrodynamic conditions in the period of 1997-09-06 00:00 - 1997 -09-15 00:00, 9 days). Complete the pro-forma report to present the model setup information and simulation results.
Data Information-
The study area is Øresund. The mesh generated in lab exercise should be used. The land and water data can be downloaded from learning@griffith.
The measured water level recordings from four stations (Hornbaek, Viken, Rodvig and Skanor) located near the open model boundaries are available in the folders "data1993" and "data1997".
Wind recordings from Ven Island will form the wind forcing as time series constant in space. The wind data is saved in the ASCII file "wind_ven.txt".
Assignment link -