Question 1: Briefly describe the various approaches of value Development?
Question 2: Analyze how the values can be integrated by the teaching of different subjects in the curriculum of school?
Question 3: Explain the role of parents in the safe utilization of ICT at home?
Question 4: Write short notes on the given terms:
a) Children’s literature and value development.
b) Classroom as Mini School.
c) Discerning Mind.
d) Co-curricular activities and value development.
Question 5: Define the concept of Disability and the reasons for the requirement of inclusion in Education?
Question 6: What is Attitude and illustrate the different ways to foster the positive attitude?
Question 7: Write short notes on the given terms:
a) Teacher Behaviour
b) Gender perspective in Education
c) Nature as educator
d) Illustrate an Activity for promoting love towards animals.
Question 8: Illustrate the various actions in teaching learning which would promote empathy in children?