
Cnstruct the breadboard circuit and implement the program

Lab: Using Sensors with an Arduino


In this lab I will be expanding my knowledge of buttons and PWM in the first part. I will be simulating a nightlight that cycles through 8 different color mode and combinations. The second section will be learning about the use of sensors and how to use them with the Arduino.


1. Arduino Uno
2. Small breadboard
3. Jumper wires
4. 10k? potentiometer
5. 10k? resistor (x2)
6. 220? resistor (x3)
7. USB cable
8. Photoresistor
9. TMP36 temperature sensor
10. Digital Multimeter


1. Lab 3a: Procedure:

• Watch the videos:

1. Tutorial 03 for Arduino: Electrical Engineering Basics(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abWCy_aOSwY)

2. Tutorial 04 for Arduino: Analog Inputs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=js4TK0U848I)

3. TechBits 13 - Analog and Digital Signals (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3rsO912e3I)

• Construct the breadboard circuit and implement the program presented in the video to create an adaptable night light and detailed in Chapter 2 (pp.35-39) of your textbook.

2. Lab 3b:Procedure:

• This week's lab will simulate the coffee maker heater functionality we saw in Week 1. The difference in our program and the actual coffee maker is that instead of turning on a heating element, our program will blink an LED.

• Design a circuit and Arduino program that expands the concepts explained in Chapter 3 ( pp. 52- 59) of your textbook and accomplishes the following:

o Blinks an LED when the temperature of a temperature sensor is at or below room temperature for more than 5 seconds
o If the temperature exceeds room temperature for more than 5 seconds, the LED will turn off.

• Include a video of your circuit in operation and any computer screenshots during its operation. Please include your Grantham ID number in the video to show your work.

• Send your code file (.ino) of the lab completed and operational as well for credit.

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Other Engineering: Cnstruct the breadboard circuit and implement the program
Reference No:- TGS01533073

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