
Cna802 web conference assignment - develop a program for a

Web Conference Assignment

Assignment - Group Project

To develop a program for a daylong seminar.

Seminar might include topics that discuss different theoretical or methodological approaches to practice development, including but not limited to, the following examples:

clinical supervision,
coaching, and
or reports on specific workplace projects which have developed practice in nursing.

The plan should include eight* abstracts for seminar presentations, each of around 250 words, to cover various aspects of practice change and practice development.

The term practice development (PD) covers a wide range of activities, including the introduction of changes in practice, the support and development of practitioners, setting standards and quality improvement. It is often used loosely and interchangeably with other terms, such as the implementation of research evidence.

Assessment task

For this assignment, you will be placed into a small group of three to five students to work on a collaborative team project. The project outcome will be the development of a plan for a day-long seminar on 'Practice development in nursing and midwifery'.

The plan should include eight* abstracts for seminar presentations, each of around 250 words, to cover various aspects of practice change and practice development. These might include theoretical or methodological topics, discussions of different approaches to practice development such as clinical supervision, mentoring, coaching, and facilitation, or reports on workplace projects which have developed practice in nursing or midwifery.

Group members should collaborate to decide on the program, allocate work fairly, and complete the task. As a group, you will submit the plan of your seminar and a project report on the experience, setting out group processes and responsibilities, into the group dropbox. Each group member will also complete a brief report on their own and their colleagues' participation and contribution to the task, and submit this separately.

Need two abstract and each 250 words

Abstract - Clinical Governance and Accountability (to discuss the impact of good leadership in the 'organisation' as a whole)

Abstract - Clinical Practice Facilitation (i.e. discuss about the concept of clinical supervision not only students but more of staff as we focus on developing clinical leaders on the frontline)

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Dissertation: Cna802 web conference assignment - develop a program for a
Reference No:- TGS02731855

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