Implement a generic stack and queue classes (StackUMUC and QueueUMUC, named to avoid confusion with the classes already defined in the JDK). Specific requirements include:
- Create a set of tests demonstrating that your classes work correctly.
- Use the GUI and classes you defined in Week to test your stack and queue classes.
- Methods for StackUMUC
- StackUMUC (int) // constructor
- void push (T)
- T pop ()
- T peek ()
- String toString ()
- Methods for QueueUMUC
- QueueUMUC (int) // constructor
- void put (T)
- T get ()
- T peek ()
- String toString ()
In your documentation, answer this question:
At what point does the performance of your program begin to degrade - say take longer than 1 or 10 seconds?
- Submission should include the following in a single zip file:
- a readme file (see below)
- all source code files
- relevant data files
- Documentation (a readme file) for the project should include the following sections:
- a description of the design,
- a user's guide
- a test plan
- a section on lessons learned
- this should be a single file in one of the following formats: doc, docx, txt, odt, pdf
- this should be a professional quality presentation
- there should be appropriate comments in the source code files
Submit your zip file to the project 1 submission area.