Intersession Assignment - TTD of an OO implementation of a linked list
In this assignment you are to use TDD to implement a linked list data structure class. You will write a java program and a class lList. The class should be developed by TDD methods. To do this you will need to take snapshots of your code with each new test to demonstrate how you went from a skeleton lLink class with no implementation to a full working implementation. The snippets of code can be cut and pasted into a single word doc. Each test you create will need to be documented by demonstrating the test code run, the implementation code generated and the test results (copy of the console output). The binary tree example used in class would look like the following for the very first test:
1. Create empty tree and test that it returns empty state when requested:
// test of empty tree reports not empty incorrectly
tempbTree testBtree = new tempbTree();
if (!(testBtree.isEmpty())) {
// generate exception
throw new Exception("Empty tree incorrectly reported not empty");
// tbtree function tested
public boolean isEmpty() {
return treeEmpty;
If the test results in some output, show that as well.
Attachment:- Assignment File.rar