
Clyde yelled who is responsible for this unwarranted

Adam entered the Pizza Shop and noticed his girlfriend Beulah was sitting at the back table. Beulah ordered and had received a large Perreroni Pizza. Adam went to the back table where Beulah was sitting. Adam rubbed Beulah's arm and then reached down and grabbed a chunk of pepperoni from the pizza. Adam put the chunk of pepperoni on the shoulder of BillyBob, who was sitting at the table next to Beulah. BillyBob did not notice this occurance and continued to "feed" the jukebox in his never ending quest to hear every recording ever made by the world famous country band "Zeke Blackbeard and the Barnyard Follies".

BillyBob's friend Bozo noticed the "pepperoni chunk" incident. Bozo was angry. Bozo threw an empty bottle of Coors Light Beer at Adam. Adam noticed the approaching bottle and ducked. The propelled bottle continued to fly until it hit Patsy Cline, a dancer in the Pizza Shop. The neck of the beer bottle stuck in Patsy Cline's ear. Patsy reacted by pulling the bottle out of her ear. The bottle broke, half remaining in Patsy's ear and the other half landed on Clyde's Pork and Eggplant Submarine Sandwich, a popular sandwich on the Pizza Shop menu.

Clyde yelled, "Who is responsible for this unwarranted invasion of my Submarine Sandwich?" The bartender informed Clyde that Adam started the whole mess. Clyde then said, "Adam you are a mental lightweight - a complete loser - a disgrace to society."

Adam spit at Clyde. Clyde ducked and the spit hit the bartender's dog Goober.

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Business Management: Clyde yelled who is responsible for this unwarranted
Reference No:- TGS02611234

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