
Clumbia historian eric foner quotes web dubois in calling

Choose one question pertaining to developments in The South

1. Columbia historian Eric Foner quotes W.E.B. DuBois in calling Reconstruction a "splendid failure." After studying the events of the late 19th century, defend whether or not you agree with his position. What are the long-term implications?

Foner, E. (1983, October/November). The new view of reconstruction. American Heritage Magazine, 34(6). Retrieved from https://staging.americanheritage.com/articles/magazine/ah/1983/6/1983_6_10.shtml

2. Some historians argue that Radical Reconstruction was not radical enough. After studying the events of the late 19th century, defend whether or not you agree with this position. What are the long-term implications

3. The post-Civil War South has been called the "New South." In what ways did it succeed in reinventing itself? In what ways did it fail?

Write a 400-500 word response to your chosen question using historical evidence from the reading materials for week one.

Format your assignment according to appropriate course level APA guidelines. Remember to include a title page, proper formatting, in text citations and references for all sources including the textbook.

Include a primary source image to support your topic. Review the reading on Historical and Scholarly Sources for an explanation on a primary source.

Submit your assignment according to proper APA guidelines with a title page, in text citations and reference of your sources.

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History: Clumbia historian eric foner quotes web dubois in calling
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