
closing a cursor variablethe close statement

Closing a Cursor Variable

The CLOSE statement disables the cursor variable. After that, the related result set is undefined. The syntax for the same is as shown below:

CLOSE {cursor_variable_name | :host_cursor_variable_name);

In the illustration below, if the last row is processed, then you can close the cursor variable emp_cv:


FETCH emp_cv INTO emp_rec;


-- process data record


/* Close cursor variable. */

CLOSE emp_cv;

Whenever declaring a cursor variable as the formal parameter of the subprogram which closes the cursor variable, you should specify the IN or IN OUT mode.

If you attempt to close an already-closed or never-opened cursor variable, the PL/SQL raises the predefined exception that is the INVALID_CURSOR.

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PL-SQL Programming: closing a cursor variablethe close statement
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