
Clinical supervision analysis

Clinical Supervision Analysis Document for a Hypothetical Formative Evaluation

Practice clinical supervision, access (links provided below) and compile a clinical supervision analysis document for a hypothetical formative Teacher evaluation. Include the following in your analysis:

1. Use the teacher’s introductory comments, at the start of the video, as her pre-conference information provided to you. Based on this information, what kind of observational data would you primarily want to collect for analysis purposes?

2. Develop two observation instruments, one quantitative and one qualitative, based on the examples provided in Glickman (2010). (For example, if you use the instrument provided in Figure 14.2, design the question categories to fit the lesson to be observed.)

3. View the teaching components of the video again, using each of these instruments.

4. Analyze the data gathered using the two instruments.

o What areas of teacher strength were apparent?

o Where there any areas of weakness noted?

o Did you notice any patterns of teacher behavior, productive or counterproductive?

o Did students appear to be engaged in the lesson?

o How did the teacher know if students were comprehending the lesson content?

5. Decide what superVision approach you would take, how you would begin a post-conference, and draft a bulleted list key points you would want to address in the post-conference. Base this step on what you have observed and interpreted.

6. Conclude your clinical supervision notes by proposing possible next steps that would include planning for ongoing professional development.

Please include the following sections for your clinical supervision analysis document:

1. Pre-conference summary and the kinds of observational data you want to collect as a result.

2. A description of the quantitative and qualitative instruments you select to be adapted for this observation and your rationale for their selection based on what you learned in the pre-conference.

3. A copy of the (scored) quantitative instrument you develop for purposes of the observation.

4. A copy of the (scored) qualitative instrument you develop for purposes of the observation.

5. An overview of the observation in which you begin with a summary of your general observation notes from the activity in Week 3, then discuss what you found (observation) and learned (interpretation) from both the quantitative and qualitative documents.

6. A brief statement of what superVision approach you would start the post-conference with, why, the bulleted list of key points to be addressed in the post-conference, and suggestions for subsequent professional development.

7. A reflective critique of the clinical supervision experience in which you address what you have learned about clinical supervision and observation as a result of your experiences.

8. Conclude your paper with an overview of the four approaches to superVision and state which of the four approaches best fits your current preference for your own work or anticipated work in supervising teachers.

Chapters 14 and 16 in Glickman, C. D., Gordon, S. P., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2010).





As indicated in Glickman (2010), clinical supervision is both a concept and a structure. In terms of concept, it emphasizes improvement of instruction and must be grounded in a professional trust-based relationship between supervisor and teacher. In terms of structure, there are five steps to a clinical supervision:

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