
Clinical pathology and parasitology

This assignment consists of ten questions. Answer all the questions.

Question 1:

a) Name the causative agent of the cyticercus cellulose?
b) Explain with diagrams the life cycle of this parasite.
c) How is this infestation diagnosed?

Question 2:

a) Explain the composition of Urine.
b) Give detail procedure for routine examination of Urine.
c) Enlist the tests for finding out Acetone Bodies in Urine.

Question 3: A semen specimen has been received in the lab. Discuss the steps involved in its processing.

Question 4:

a) Name the causative agent of the amoebic dysentery.
b) Explain with help of diagrams the life cycle of this parasite.
c) How is intestinal amoebiasis diagnosed in lab?

Question 5:

a) Enlist three tape worms that cause disease in man.
b) Explain with the help of diagrams the life cycle of any ONE of them.
c) Discuss its laboratory diagnosis.

Question 6: Write in shot on the following:

a) Hyperchlorhydria.
b) Gametocyte of plasmodium falcipuram.

Question 7: Give a detail explanation of:

a) Ovum of Trichuris trichura.
b) Cyst of Giardia intestinalis.

Question 8:

a) Provide an account of the reporting on the findings of sputum.
b) Discuss some special techniques for the detection of mycobacterium.

Question 9: Give a detailed explanation of gastric Analysis.

Question 10: Write brief notes on the following:

a) Amniotic Fluid.
b) Sperm count.

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Biology: Clinical pathology and parasitology
Reference No:- TGS02194

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