
Client server architecture in ecommerce

Building e-Commerce:

1. Describe the client server architecture in ecommerce in terms of all clients involved. Visitors, customers, ecommerce managers and possibly suppliers.

2. Design an HTML page as a client that will be an advertising (referral)  for your ecommerce project. Promote the your products by displaying allowing the users to click on an picture (banner) and present them with a catalogue view of your e-shop. Use HTML for pictures and run the queries to the database using PHP.

3. Write an HTML page that will be used as client for ecommerce managers. Managers will be allowed deleting or entering a new product in the database PHP.

4. Use CSS to improve the outlook of  2 and 3.

5. Create a JavaScript to record a customer’s details User name, password, email address.

6. Design a PHP class that reflects the product’s data and operations. How do you construct objects in PHP.

7. After you design your database (products, catalogs, attributes) you must also have to decide how to handle pricing.

This decision is affected by the your decision

(i) One price for a product in all attributes. (For example a t-shirt has the same price in all colors and sizes)

(ii) A different price (may or may not) in attributes ( for example colors and sizes).

How do you modify your initial database design to satisfy the condition (i) and how for condition (ii)?

8. How do you modify the database to insert the quantity in stock in the cases (i) a product with no attributes (ii) with one attribute (iii) with attributes?

9. Design a cart table. How this would be related to the rest of your tables. How would you handle products on cart in relation to the availability (reserved) of these products to the other customers? How this will modify your design for quantity?

10. At cart checkout the cart items are transformed to order. How this state change will be reflected in your design?

11. Design a visitor (prospect) table. Assume as a good marketing policy you have an open door policy. You don’t ask details of your visitors unless they want to check out. How the visitor table will be transformed to a customer table at checkout?

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Basic Computer Science: Client server architecture in ecommerce
Reference No:- TGS01432572

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