
Clearly identify the healthy people 2020 topic chosen and

Creating a Plan of Care

Utilizing the information you have gathered over the weeks regarding the specific illness group you identified, this week, you will create a plan of care for your chronic illness group.

Create the plan in a 4- to 6-page Microsoft Word document (the 4-6 pages include the holistic care plan). Include the following in your plan:

Start the paper with a brief introduction describing the chronically ill group you selected and provide rationale for selecting this illness and the participants. Clearly identify the Healthy People 2020 topic chosen and why this topic was chosen.

You will want to compile the information gathered from Weeks 1-4 over 2 to 3 pages. This should be in APA format and paragraph form. This is not to be copied and pasted from previous assignments. It is to be a summary of each week.

The paper should include the care plan for your chronic illness group organized under the following headings:

Nursing Diagnoses

Assessment Data (objective and subjective)

Interview Results

Desired Outcomes

Evaluation Criteria

Actions and Interventions

Evaluation of Patient Outcomes

You will need to ensure that the care plan is holistic and includes at least 3 nursing diagnoses related to the topic and interview results from the previous weeks.

Include strategies for the family or caregiver in the care plan and provide your rationale on how they will work.

Include a reference page to provide reference for all citations for the paper as well as the care plan.

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Science: Clearly identify the healthy people 2020 topic chosen and
Reference No:- TGS01197504

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Anonymous user

3/11/2016 4:06:32 AM

Prepare a plan in around 4 to 6 page word document including the following in your plan. Begin the paper by means of a short introduction explaining the chronically ill group you choose and give rationale for choosing this illness and the participants. Clearly recognize the Healthy People 2020 topic selected and why this topic was selected. This must be in the APA format and paragraph form. The paper must comprise the care plan for your chronic illness group organized beneath the given headings: a) Nursing Diagnoses b) Assessment Data (subjective and objective) c) Interview Results d) Desired Outcomes e) Assessment Criteria d) Actions and Interventions e) Assessment of Patient Outcomes You will require ensuring that the care plan is holistic and comprises at least 3 nursing diagnoses associated to the topic and interview outcomes. Comprise strategies for the family or caregiver in the care plan and give your justification on how they will work.