
Clearly explain your opinion on the labeling of gm salmon


When it comes to labeling the food we consume there are generally two approaches. A product can be labeled when something has been added (ex. Vitamin D Milk) or when something is not present (ex. Gluten-free). Clearly explain your opinion on the labeling of GM salmon. What type of labeling, if any, should be required? Should this labeling be voluntary or mandatory? Your explanation should discuss the current labeling recommendations for GM foods in general and GM salmon specifically, and the rationale behind these recommendations (this means you will need to do a little research - be careful to use reliable sources).

Here's an article with an overview of GM salmon to get you started

"7 Things You Need to Know about GMO Salmon"


Your paper must be between 1/2 -1page (not including references). The second page is only for the complete references of the material cited in your paper. Any portion of your text on the second page will not be read or graded. Your paper should be double-spaced with one-inch margins, using 12 point Times New Roman font.

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Biology: Clearly explain your opinion on the labeling of gm salmon
Reference No:- TGS02587865

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