
Clearly explain the key argument each song is trying to make


The Toulmin Model and Visual Arguments

The purpose of this assessment is to identify the strongest argumentativeclaim.

Using credible sources, review the lyrics of the followingsongs:

• "For What It's Worth" by BuffaloSpringfield

• "Get Up, Stand Up" by BobMarley

• "What's Going On" by MarvinGaye

Based on your review, answer the followingquestions:

• What is the key argument each song is trying tomake?

• Do you agree with the arguments made in each song? Why or whynot?

• Which key argument do you believe is strongest in terms of the claim provided to supportit? Support your opinion by citing the excerpts from the lyrics that make the song thestrongest argument.

• What does each song mean, in yourview?

• Does any particular imagery in the lyrics of songs support yourview?


Submit your response in a Microsoft Word document with the followingspecifications:

• Font: Arial; Point12
• Spacing:Double
• Page length: 3 pages, excluding the APA title and Referencepages
• Include an APA title page. Refer to the sample APA titlepage.
• Cite the source in APA format in-text and on the Referencepage.


The Essay assessment will be evaluated using the followingcriteria:

• Did you clearly explain the key argument each song is trying tomake?

• Did you identify and explain the key argument you believe is strongest in terms of theclaim provided to supportit?

• Didyousupportyouropinionbycitingtheexcerptsfromthelyricsthatmakethesongthestrongest argument?

• Did you explain what does each song mean toyou?

• Did you explain whether you agree with the arguments made in each song ornot?

• Did you provide an appropriate rationale for agreeing or disagreeing with arguments made ineach song?

• Did your thoughts flowcoherently?

• Did you meet the page lengthrequirements?

Did you adhere to Standard English grammar, spelling, and punctuation

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Microeconomics: Clearly explain the key argument each song is trying to make
Reference No:- TGS01807827

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