
Clearly and concisely about introductory information

Think of a person that you admire the most. The person can be your parent, friend, musician, etc. 
Create a four (4) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

Slide 1: Insert your name, course, quarter, and professor's name.
Slide 2: Insert a picture and include the name of the person you admire. (Note: You may use / search the Internet to include a digital image.)
Slide 3: Insert four (4) bullets that explain the key reasons why you admire this person.
Slide 4: Insert closing comments in bulleted, statement, or short paragraph form.
All Slides: Organize the presentation so that the information is clear and visually appealing.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Use word processing software to create and format documents.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems. 
Write clearly and concisely about introductory information systems topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

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Basic Computer Science: Clearly and concisely about introductory information
Reference No:- TGS079428

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