
Clawson presents the diamond model of leadership


Leadership, Influence and Power

1. Clawson presents the Diamond Model of Leadership stating "the diamond framework here is flexible enough to incorporate many of the features the main leadership models present today, but in a way, that is simple and useful for the practicing manager" page 18. Select any leadership theory covered in Northouse and explain it showing how it fits into Clawson's Diamond Model.

2. Useem says "one of the recent ironic discoveries...has been that giving away power judiciously sometimes makes one more powerful" (p. 270). What does he mean by this, and, what in the Clawson and Northouse texts would support (or conflict with) why that is the case.

3. In the preface, Clawson says "There are two main reasons for a lack of leadership: lack of a strategic story to tell and the fear of rejection." (p. xiv). Explain what is meant by this. Can you find support for this in either Northouse, or in any of the illustrations described by Useem? Do you personally agree?

4. Useem, by selecting the title "The Leadership Moment", suggests leadership is time and context related and episodic in nature relying heavily on action and vision. Northouse states that leadership is a process where an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a goal. He notes, "it is not a trait or a characteristic that resides in the leader, but rather a transactional event" (p. 3) Clawson talks about three levels of leadership. As Clawson, Useem and Northouse examine, describe and illustrate the concept of leadership, how do their views fit together and compliment one another, and/or, how are they in conflict with one another?

(Reference: Three textbooks : James Clawson's level 3 leadership; Northouse's leadership theory & practice ; and Michael Useem's leadership moment)

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Business Management: Clawson presents the diamond model of leadership
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