
Claudia is a 26-year-old mother of two g2p2 she recently

Question - Claudia is a 26-year-old mother of two G2P2, she recently delivered her last child 9 months ago, and has been using condoms for birth control for the last 7 months. Today she is requesting a more reliable birth control, she is not sure of her current pregnancy plans, however, she does not wish to discuss sterilization. No religious contraindications for treatment. Previous methods include condoms, and oral contraceptive pills.

PMH: positive for mild hypertension with first pregnancy, seasonal allergies.

Surgeries: R inguinal hernia and tonsils.

Family history: Mother HTN and Father colon CA both living

Social History: Denies tobacco use, wine one to two glasses a week, denies recreational drugs, exercises twice a week.

Drug allergies-Sulfa causes a rash. Current medications-MVI with Fe, Calcium chews, prn Allegra for allergies. Height 65 inches, weight 137 pounds, BP 110/75, P 70, R 16. PAP collected today, clinical breast exam deferred due to breastfeeding, urine pregnancy negative.

Physical exam is normal.

1. What are your treatment goals for Claudia today?

2. What are two possible contraceptive methods for Claudia? Please give brief rationale for each.

3. Pick one method and list five (5) patient-centered teaching points for the method you chose today.

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Dissertation: Claudia is a 26-year-old mother of two g2p2 she recently
Reference No:- TGS02617890

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