
Classification of the classical development theories

Choose one of the countries listed below:




– Provide a written report that contains all the requisite sections of a normal report (title page, executive summary, contents, bibliography) and examines the post-WWII development path of the country using ALL FOUR MAJOR development approaches:

o Linear Stages of Growth;

o Structural Patterns of Development;

o International Dependence Revolution;

o Neoclassical Counterrevolution;

– Support your analysis with appropriate statistical data/figures/graphs;

– Divide the main body of your report into subsections according to the four development approaches;

– Your conclusion should provide a brief summary of your main findings and discuss the goodness-of-fit of each of the four development approaches to the development path of the chosen country.


• Classification of the Classical Development theories into the four development approaches mentioned above can be found in Lectures 3 and 4 as well as in Chapter 3 of the module textbook Economic Development; Eleventh Edition; Todaro, Smith (Pearson, New York, 2011);

• Some readings for your Final Report have been placed in the Final Report Readings Folder on the module Vital page. Please note, students are expected to do wider reading to receive high grades.

• The Executive summary section of the final report IS INCLUDED in the report word count;

• The guidance on the report structure, layout and word count can be found in the ULMS Undergraduate Student Handbook 2014_2015 (p. 46) and in the UG Study Skills Pack 2014_2015 (pp. 22-33).

Appendices do not count as part of the word count, but also will not be marked. When using tables and data, if these are important to your argument and analysis, these should be incorporated in the main body of the text rather than be included in appendices.

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