Question 1: Why do we require categorizing psychological disorders? Explain the features of DSM –IV categorization system.
Question 2: Explain the socio cultural factors contributing to psychopathology.
Question 3: Define the term ADHD. Describe the treatment for ADHD.
Question 4: What do you mean by the term learning disability? Explain the causes of learning disability.
Question 5: Explain the various categories of anxiety disorders with illustration.
Question 6: Describe the kinds of somatoform disorders with case illustrations.
Question 7: What do you mean by the term eating disorder? How will you recognize anorexia nervosa? What technique of treatment will you follow for anorexia nervosa?
Question 8: Define the term personality disorders. Describe common symptoms of personality disorder.
Question 9: Illustrate the meaning of depression. Write in detail the different causes of depression.
Question 10: Write Short notes on the given:
a) Clinical Interview.
b) Post traumatic stress disorder.