Computer are classified under a number of factors.Some people classify them according to their processing speed.main memory,technology used in production,axuillary storage capacity and cost.
The major classification are:
a) Super Computer,
b) Mainframe Computer,
c) mini computers
d) Micro computers
Super Computers: They are the most powerful and expensive computers. They can execute about sten million instructions within a second and support a very large number of applications or users at a time.
Mainframes : they are large scale computers often located in business. Financial and research institutions. They process and store a very large amount of data an dinformation.
They can also play host to a large number of say 1000 workstations
Mini frames : they lie between micro and main frame computers in terms of cos, processing speed and the volume of applicatins. They are very powerful in operation
They can perform many tasks which formely could be performed by the main frame only.
The mini frame computer is not very portable but can be moved more easily than the mainframe.
a) Use a word processing package to create two columns with the insert column button.
b) Enter trhe lession note3s up to the end of the sction on supper computers in the first column and the rest of thenotes in thenext column.
c) Save the file as Digital I on your diskette.
d) Bold underline and centre the heading.
e) Change the itemised major classifications to bullets.
f) Use bold. Italics andleft align each sub heading.
g) Format the whole text in double line spacing
h) Enphasize every "powerful" in the texts.
i) Save the edited filw as Digital 2 on your diskette.
j) Print Digital 2.