
Classification- characteristics and parameters of digital ic

Question 1) Write detailed notes on digital comparator.

Question 2) Draw the circuit diagram of RTL gate. Describe its working.

Question 3) Describe the function of MOSROM with a well labelled circuit diagram.

Question 4) Briefly explain the BJT RAM.

Question 5) What is compact disk? Describe.

Question 6) Describe the medical application of Laser.

Question 7) State and describe the function of Photo detector.

Question 8) Write down a detailed note on E-mail and FAX.

Question 9) Describe in detail the classification, characteristics and parameters of Digital IC’s.

Question 10) Draw the circuit and describe the working of the following:

(i) DTL gate,

(ii) TTL gate.

Question 11) Describe the following semiconductor memories with appropriate diagram.

(i) PROM

(ii) EPROM

(iii) EEPROM

Question 12) With logic circuit diagram, describe the working of Programmable Logic Array.

Question 13) Write a detailed note on the following:

(i) Winchester disk

(ii) Compact Disk

(iii) Mouse

(iv) MODEM

Question 14)(i) Describe the fibre optic fabrication technology and explain its relative merits and demerits.

(ii) Write a short note on Pulse code modulation.

Question 15) Describe the principle of satellite communication. Explain the different parts of satellite communication system.

Question 16) Explain with a circuit diagram the principle and working of SMPS power supply. Write down its advantages.

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Electrical Engineering: Classification- characteristics and parameters of digital ic
Reference No:- TGS07636

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