Discuss the below:
Classical-Medieval Political Theory
Research Paper
Each paper must include the following information:
Include a brief biography of no more than one page for the political philosopher in question.
I do not want your entire paper to be the biography of the thinker in question!
In your own words, you need to present an analysis of the political ideas in question.
In your own words, provide a critical assessment of the ideas in question.
8 word-processor generated pages
Use MS Word as the standard word-processor
12 point font
Reference and title page does not count toward the total number of pages
8.5" x 11"
All research must be properly documented:
Your paper must include at least ten references, e.g., books, periodicals, Internet.
Make sure to create a bibliography.
Very important, no more than half of all references can be from websites.
Any plagiarism will result in a failing grade for that assignment.
Plagiarism is using a quote or idea from another source without giving proper credit to the source.
This includes books, periodicals, ON-LINE MATERIALS, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and newspaper articles.
If you have three or more words in a row that appear in any other source without proper quotation marks, or without proper citation, this will be considered plagiarism.
If you do not clearly show the limits between your words and copied words, this will be considered plagiarism.
If you paraphrase, use ideas and facts without citing them, or fail to connect the material to the source, this will be considered plagiarism.
Consult English writing manuals if you are having problems with such things as grammar, citations or creation a bibliography.
Kate Turabian. Manual for Writers of Term Papers & Dissertations. University Of Chicago Press; 6th Rev edition (1996).
Joseph Gibaldi. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Modern Language Association of America; 6th edition (2003).
The Chicago Manual of Style. University of Chicago Press, 2003.