
Classes of nonexchange revenues


Nonexchange revenues can be of four types.

The GASB has identified four classes of nonexchange revenues:

- Derived tax
- Imposed
- Government-mandated
- Voluntary

1. For each of the following revenue transactions involving a city, identify the class in which the revenue falls and prepare a journal entry for a governmental fund for the current year (2004), as necessary. Provide a brief explanation or justification for your entry.

a. In December 2004, the state in which the city is located announced that it would grant the city $20 million to bring certain public facilities into compliance with the state's recently enacted disability laws. As of year-end the city had not yet received the funds and it had not yet expended any funds on the state-mandated facility improvements.

b. The city imposes a $100 tax on all sales of real estate. The tax is collected by the title companies that process the sales and must be forwarded to the state within thirty days of the transaction. In December, there were 600 sales of real estate. As of year-end the city had collected $40,000 of the $60,000 that it was owed.

c. In December 2004, the state announced that the city's share of state assistance for the calendar year 2005 would be $120 million.

d.The city imposes a tax on all boats owned by residents. The tax is equal to 1 percent of the assessed value of a boat (determined by the city by taking into account the boat's original cost and its age). The tax is payable on the last day of the year prior to the year which the tax is intended to finance. In 2004 the city levied $640,000 of 2005 boat taxes of which it collected $450,000.

e. A local resident sends to the city a copy of her will, in which she bequeaths $3 million to the city museum upon her death.

f. The U.S. Justice Department announces that it will reimburse the city, up to $400,000, for the purchase of telecommunications equipment. As of year-end the city had incurred only $200,000 in allowable expenditures.

g. A resident donates $10 million in securities to the city to support a cultural center. Only the income from the securities, not the principal, can be spent.

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Accounting Basics: Classes of nonexchange revenues
Reference No:- TGS01880223

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