Question1. Write down the class 'Weather' to contain the following:-
i) Data members: humidity, air_pressure, atmospheric_temperature and wind_speed all of datatype double
ii) A no-argument constructor to initialize the humidity to zero
iii) An overloaded constructor with one parameter to assign a value to the air_pressure
iv) An overloaded constructor with two parameters to assign values to the humidity and air_pressure
v) An overloaded constructor with three parameters to assign values to the humidity, air_pressure, atmospheric_temperature
vi) An overloaded constructor with four parameters to assign values to each of the variables declared
vii) Set methods for each of the data members
viii) Get methods for each of the variables
Question2. Write down an application to perform the following:-
i) Create a 'Weather' object using the no-argument constructor
ii) Create a second 'Weather' object using the overloaded constructor one parameter
iii) Create a third 'Weather' object using the overloaded constructor two parameters
iv) Create a fourth 'Weather' object using the overloaded constructor three parameters
v) Create a fifth 'Weather' object using the overloaded constructor four parameters
vi) Use the set methods to assign values to each of the variables declared
vii) Display the values using message dialog(s)
Question3. Write down the interface 'WaterResource' to contain the following:-
Method 'water_amount' of datatype double
Method 'resource_name' of datatype String
Question4. Write down the class 'Reservoir' which implements the interface 'WaterResource' and contains the following:-
i) String variables: name and location
ii) Variables: capacity and amount_available of datatype double
iii) Set methods for each of the variables
iv) Get methods for each of the variables
v) Override the two methods inherited from the interface WaterResource
Question5. Write down the class 'Lake' which inherits from the class 'Reservoir' and contains the following:-
i) A variable area_size of datatype double
ii) A set method to assign value to the area_size
iii) A get method to return the value of area_size
iv) Override the method water_amount inherited from superclass Reservoir to indicate the amount of water available in the lake.
v) Override the method resource_name inherited from superclass Reservoir to return the name of the resource, that is lake.