
Clarification question - this kind of question helps the

You learned in Bus 100 that there are five (5) functions of management-Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading and Controlling. Obviously many purposes for management can be given

. Many management thinkers and writers have addressed this subject with varying results. For example, is the primary responsibility to the organization one or all of the five (5) functions of management/ To make a profit? To create a safe and rewarding work environment?

To have at least a neutral impact on the environment? I could list many others. Peter Drucker was asked once what he would say is the primary responsibility of a company to its stakeholders, and what he felt was the primary responsibility of the company management.

I thought he answer was unique and thought provoking. He said, "TO SURVIVE". Now normally when we think of the word "survive" it can mean just be exist, get bay, eke out a living, etc. This discussion board will discuss what Peter meant by his answer. Think about his statement from all angles and then post you initial comment telling us what he meant by that.

A minimum of three (3) submissions by each student are required to each a grade for this assignment including but not limited to: Your original post indicating your response to my question, Give your reasoning for this selection. Your reactions to comments from other students on your posting. Your comment (s) on the posting of other student (s).

Post your response to The Primary Responsibility of Management discussion forum. Read the posts from your classmates and critique the posts of two by asking a question. (Choose classmates that haven't already been asked questions by someone else, if any.)

Your questions should be one of these three types:

Clarification question - This kind of question helps the writer by asking him to clarify points that you think could be more fully explained.

Hypothetical question - This kind of question helps the writer by asking her to test her argument by applying it to a situation that you specify.

Evidence question - When a writer states something as fact rather than personal opinion, his argument is stronger if he cites evidence that the fact is true. Facts can be evidenced, in approximate order of strongest evidence to weakest, (1) by citing trustworthy data, (2) by citing the opinions of experts, (3) by citing repeatable personal experience, or (4) by citing common opinion.

This kind of question helps the writer by asking for evidence if he states something as fact but doesn't cite evidence.

This exercise is about an exchange of ideas versus giving the "right or wrong" answer!

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Operation Management: Clarification question - this kind of question helps the
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