Marketing Research
01. Clara is a market researcher who records shoppers' movement through a grocery store. What method of research is Clara using?
a. survey
b. assessment
c. immersion
d. observation
02. When an employee who works at McDonald's headquarters outside Chicago travels around the U.S. and observes franchises to see if they are acting in the best interests of McDonald's good name in terms of friendly service, cleanliness, and quality of food, this observer is acting as a(n):
a. mystery shopper
b. indirect observer
c. mechanical observer
d. scanner-based consumer panel
03. All of the following measure physiological reactions EXCEPT:
a. eye-tracking monitor
b. pupilometer
c. at-home scanning systems
d. voce-pitch analysis
04.A researcher is conducting an experiment in which one group of people is exposed to an advertisement and another group is exposed to another advertisement. He is examining the effect of headline font sizes on consumers' attitude toward the brand advertised. The participants in this experimental research are referred to as:
a. respondents
b. elements
c. factorials
d. subjects
05. Categorical variables like a subject's gender or ethnicity are known as which type of variable in experimental research?
a. blocking variables
b. covariates
c. main variables
d. confounds
06. Which of the following is present when the person administering experimental procedures influences the subjects' behavior or sways them to slant their answers to cooperate with him or her?
a. experimenter bias
b. response bias
c. Type I error
d. Type II error
07.Which of the following refers to concepts measured with multiple variables?
a. operation
b. construct
c. concept
d. scale
08.Coding household income into "Above $100,000," "Between $50,000 and $100,000," and "Below $50,000" is an example of a(n) ______ scale.
a. interval
b. test-retest
c. criterion
d. nominal
09.Which of the following means that the value assigned for a response is treated oppositely from the other items in a scale?
a. reverse coding
b. indexing
c. alpha coding
d. convergence
10.Which of the following is an indicator of a measure's internal consistency?
a. reliability
b. validity
c. coefficient beta
d. sensitivity
11.A question that poses some problem or topic and asks respondents to answer in their own words is called a(n):
a. sentence completion question
b. unbalanced question
c. fixed-alternative question
d. open-ended question
12. What type of question is the following?
What time of day did you watch that movie at the Multiplex?
_____ Matinee
_____ Evening
_____ Rush-hour special
a. filter
b. pivot
c. open-ended response
d. determinant-choice
13. In political elections for candidates who are not well-known by many voters, such as judges, it frequently happens that the candidate who is listed first on the ballot receives the most votes, this is an example of a(n):
a. Hawthorne effect
b. self-fulfilling prophecy
c. order bias
d. split-ballot technique
14.If Northwest Airlines selects randomly a set of 40 flights on a given day, and then selects randomly a group of ten passengers on each of these flights to participate in an in-flight survey, the passengers are a:
a. PSU
b. census
c. systematic sample
d. secondary sampling unit
15. The difference between the sample result and the result of an accurate census is called:
a. random sampling error
b. systematic sampling error
c. primary sampling error
d. secondary sampling error
16.In which type of sampling does every element in the population have a known, nonzero probability of selection?
a. absolute sampling
b. relative sampling
c. nonprobability sampling
d. probability sampling
17. Nicole has developed a set of data organized by summarizing the number of times a particular value of a variable occurs. This is an example of a:
a. population parameter
b. mean
c. frequency distribution
d. median
18.The arithmetic average of a set of numbers is referred to as the _____.
a. proportion
b. mode
c. mean
d. median
19.Find the approximate standard deviation of the following set of scores: 3, 6, 2, 7, 8 .
a. 2.24
b. 2.59
c. 3.32
d. 6.70
20.Assigning males the value of zero and females the value of one in a database to record the gender of the respondents is an example of:
a. coding
b. test tabulation
c. editing
d. verification
21.Which type of statistical analysis test hypotheses involves only one variable?
a. primary statistical analysis
b. bivariate statistical analysis
c. univariate statistical analysis
d. monovariate statistical analysis
22.The two types of errors researcher run the risk of committing when sampling are:
a. primary and secondary errors
b. Type I and Type II errors
c. critical and noncritical errors
d. Type A and Type B errors
23.Which test should be used when comparing the means of three groups to see if they are significantly different from one another?
a. One-group t-test
b. ANOVA test
c. Two-group t-test
d. Chi-square test
24.When a researcher is attempting to predict sales volume by using building permits, amount of advertising, and the income levels of residents, the researcher is using:
a. univariate analysis
b. a chi-square analysis
c. multiple regression analysis
d. factor analysis
25. In regression analysis, the symbol X is commonly used for the ______ variable, and the symbol Y is commonly used for the ______ variable.
a. dependent; moderating
b. independent; dependent
c. dependent; independent
d. independent; moderating