
Claiming a lack of copyright knowledge


Cheerleader Charged $27,750 for File Sharing 37 Songs A federal appeals court is ordering a university student to pay the Recording Industry Association of America $27,750—$750 a track—for file sharing 37 songs when she was a high school cheerleader. Have you ever illegally copied or downloaded a song or movie? If you have and you were forced to pay $750 per track, how much would you owe? What is the difference between file sharing and Internet radio streaming? Do you agree or disagree with the federal appeals decision? Why or why not? Why is claiming a lack of copyright knowledge not a good defense against illegally sharing movies or music? If you do not have a good understanding of information laws, what can you do to ensure you are never placed in a federal lawsuit for violating information laws?

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.

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Other Management: Claiming a lack of copyright knowledge
Reference No:- TGS01970983

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