Question 1: The electromagnetic waves in vacuum are illustrated below and then find out the wavelength for the given frequencies: 150 GHz, 225 MHz, 14 THz.
Question 2: What do you mean by the acceptance angle for an optical fiber?
Question 3: Define the relative refractive index difference for an optical fiber and show how it might be associated to the numerical aperture of the optical fiber?
Question 4: If the critical angle concept is not satisfied what will occur to propagation of optical signal in a fiber?
Question 5: What are the different kinds of optical fibers? List all the applications of each.
Question 6: Illustrate the general dimensions of core and cladding for the single mode fiber?
Question 7: What are the dimensions of core and cladding in the multimode fibers?
Question 8: What do you mean by the term evanescent field?
Question 9: What do you mean by skew rays?
Question 10: What do you mean by the word modal birefringence?