
Cj252- how do the articles make you feel do you find the


Assignment: Media Response: Racism in the Criminal Justice System


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Please explore the following media selections:

1) Five Myths of the "Racist" Criminal Justice System

2) Is the Criminal Justice System Racist?

3) Is the Criminal Justice System Racist?

4) Black Lies Matter

5) Does the Truth Matter?

Write a scholarly response to these media representations (minimum 500 words). These selections are all related, so I do not want separate responses, but rather one response reflecting on them as a whole. The following list includes some suggestions to help guide your responses, should you choose to consider them. This response is yours so include what you feel is appropriate.

- How do the articles make you feel?
- Do you find the arguments surprising, angering, confusing.....?
- Do you agree or disagree with arguments?
- Are these articles in line with what most people think (the common opinion)?
- Do these articles make you feel better or worse about becoming a member of the criminal justice system? Explain

**If this topic is of interest to you, I have attached the following link to a panel discussion. This video is OPTIONAL but informative if you are interested.**

Is Violence a Function of Our Culture?


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Dissertation: Cj252- how do the articles make you feel do you find the
Reference No:- TGS02182388

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