1. Analysis and Design of (Redistribution of moment, Flat Slab, Column, Compressive report on flexural Cracking, non-distractive testing result of concrete elements report)
Outcomes of the assignment
1. Demonstrate the basis of the engineering principles of reinforced concrete design and concrete technology covered in the module.
2. Apply those principles to realistic cases of sufficient complexity to require judgments in the selection of and application of appropriate design principles and material use.
3. Interpret design data in terms of the underlying engineering principles embodied in codes of practice.
4. In response to a relevant engineering problem, carry out calculations that lead to a solution, at the level expected within the profession of a new graduate engineer.
5. Present relevant information and calculations in a clear and unambiguous way. Significance of the module for your programme
Assignment tasks
Task 1
I) A framed structure as shown in figure below subjected to a variable load of Wi over a span of LL meter as shown below having thickness of slab as ts mm. After a % reduction due to redistribution of moment in beam B-E-H ends are fixed .Consider the materials characterstatic strength of Concrete and steel as Fck N/mm2, Fyk N/mm2 respectively. Evaluate the area of reinforcement required using constants K1 and K2from European code of Practices EC2. Assume any other suitable date if necessary.

Figure Q-1 A Frame structure Consider Rd-distribution of Moment for beam HEB & KH
II) Design a flat slab for ground floor of hall as shown in Q No 1 figure having 0.5 LL m center on each direction of column and the slab supports a variable load of Wi KN/m2. The characterstatic materials strengths are fck=N/mm2 for the concrete, and Fyk = N/mm2 for the reinforcement. It is considered floor slab with ts mm overall depth of slab, and drop panels dps m square by dph mm deep. The column heads are to be made φm diameter.
Design as 1) Flat slab
1) Design of column for [Ground floor only]

The details of the assessment are as follows:
a) In order to find out whether this Redistribution of moment of Column is stable, students must analyze for respective external load on it with check the permissible limit of stress in steel and concrete
b) The purpose of this Redistribution is to check the adequacy beam. In order to do so, students must
i. Calculate the structural load and design calculation and detailing in the form of a drawing
ii. Also consider the respective design stress induced not cross the permissible limit. (Re-bars should be presented per meter length of flat slab) just for the flat slab"
iii. Form the standard expression first for location of axial load for the design of column check the structural stability of column
III) Discuss a Compressive report on Thermal &Flexural cracking based on (10- Marks)
i) Thermal cracking & Shrinkage cracking
[Causes, effect on structure, how to identify, how to solve this problem, how to prevent]
Evaluate and discuss the compressive report on Non- destructive testing based on Equipment available on the civil Engineering Lab [Rebound Hammer]
IBK, IBR, AKZ building MEC College for different building elements as below-: i] Beam
ii] Column iii] Slab
iv] Concrete flooring
The details of the assessment are as follows:
1) In order to discuss about the flexural cracking student should understand the serviceability limit of structure based of flexural effect on concrete frame structure as well environment effect like thermal cracking as well as shrinkage cracking in concrete and steel.
2) The purpose of non-destructive testing to have knowledge of present stability condition of building elements and to check the adequacy beam, column, flooring, slab. In order to do so, students must
3) Calibration Rebound hammer test on the structural elements and design calculation and detailing in the form of report
4) Form the standard expression first for location of axial load applied on elements for the design of compressive load capacity of section and check structural stability.
- Each Student must have to make a presentation individually next week after submission to explain their individual understanding the task in the CW
- Students have to take formative feedback every week on the progress of the task.
Attachment:- DATA SHEET.xlsx