Water Resources Systems Design
Scope of Works
- Stormwater drainage systems design using DRAINS,
- Sewerage systems design,
- Water supply systems design using EPANET,
- Opinion of costing,
- Peer assessment using SPARK,
- Individual reflective journal.
Stormwater Drainage Systems Design
Design using DRAINS
A report showing design objections, key features (related design codes and standards), methodologies etc.
Describe the sub-catchments, travel times, pipes, pits etc.
The following section could be included in appendices:
- Layout diagram,
- Data,
- Long section.
Layout diagram
- Layout diagram showing pipes, sub-catchments, overflows, pits etc. using DRAINS.
- Layout diagram showing data under "analyse major storms (100 years ARI)"; you may get it from "Run" menu.
- Layout diagram showing data under "analyse minor storms (10 years ARI)"; you may get it from "Run" menu.
You may get data sheets from "Edit" menu.
Copy data to spread sheet.
Copy results to spread sheet under major storms (100 years ARI).
Copy results to spread sheet under minor storms (10 years ARI).
Long sections
You may get long sections from "File", "Export" and "DXF Long Section" menu.
Long section from first to last pit under major storms (100 years ARI).
Long section from first to last pit under minor storms (10 years ARI).
Sewerage Systems Design
Revise the preliminary design.
Significant marks will be reduced for the same mistakes.
Add the following two items in the appendices:
- Long section of reticulation sewer pipe,
- Information of property connections in the drawing using boxes.

Water Supply Systems Design
Design using EPANET.
A report showing design objections, key features (related design codes and standards), methodologies etc. Describe water demands, pressure, valves, fire hydrants, pipes, pump (if any), tank (if any), reservoir (if any) etc.
The following items could be included in appendices:
Layout diagram,
Long section (similar to sewerage design),
Demands for residential allotments,
Pressure at junctions,
Main pipe details (length, diameter, flow, velocity),
Fire-hydrants details (hydraulic grade, pressure),
Pressure vs time and demand vs time graphs at significant junctions / nodes.
Opinion of Costing
Costing for infrastructure could be prepared using Rawlinson's Australian Construction Handbook (2013).
A sample cost calculation is included in the course home page (ignore road works here).
Peer Assessment Using SPARK And Personal Contribution
SPARK will estimate a percentage of individual contribution and RPF factor.
Attendances in the tutorial classes and lecturer's observations will be considered.
Individual Feedback will also be considered.
Reflective Journals
Prepare reflective journals under three topics:
- Stormwater drainage design using DRAINS,
- Water supply systems design using EPANET,
- Final design.
Include activities completed first, then the reflection.
Report Format
Cover page
Executive summary
Table of contents
List of tables
List of figures
List of abbreviations
1. Introduction
2. Background of the project
3. Stormwater drainage systems design
4. Sewerage systems design
5. Water supply systems design
6. Opinion of costing
7. Conclusions
8. References
9. Appendices
Attachment:- Cost_Estimation.pdf