Answer the following three questions.
1. Demonstrate how the Reformations were both a product of and a protest against the Renaissance.
2. Discuss how the Enlightenment was influenced by the Scientific Revolution.
Use three of the PICSET categories to illustrate your discussion.
Assignment Requirements:
• Your answers should be submitted in hardcopy; electronic submissions will not be accepted.
• You may submit your exam early, but it should be submitted directly to me or to my secretary; sliding your exam under my office door is done at your own risk.
• Late exams will not be accepted and will result in a zero being recorded for the exam.
• Plagiarism is a violation of Student Handbook rules
(https://www.bradlev.edukampuslife/studenthandbook/policies/violations/cheating/ ),
and you are responsible for ensuring that your submission does not contain plagiarism. Handbook policy states that plagiarism will result in a grade of zero being assigned to the exam; if you are uncertain about some content in your exam, please consult with me prior to turning in your paper.
• You may not work together when composing your answers.
• Requests for extensions will only be honored if you are experiencing involuntary incapacitation due to illness or family matters; you must submit appropriate documentation (e.g. a note from the Health Center) to receive an extension.
• It is expected that your paper will contain college-level writing quality with narrative that uses complete sentences, be double-spaced, free of errors, and have numbered pages.
Other Information:
• I will not read drafts.
• I will answer questions about the exam and accompanying requirements.
• I will clarify information regarding the lectures and the textbook material.
• Your answers should draw on material from the lectures and the textbook.
• When quoting from the textbook, be sure to use quotation marks. You must cite anything that you directly quote including outside sources and the lecture outlines posted to Sakai.
• Use the course structure to guide you in composing your answers.
(Recall that this course is structured around the concept of the zeitgeist and that historical evidence is organized into the PICSET categories.)
Keep in mind that some of the PICSET categories may be more appropriate for a particular answer than others.
• Remember, since this is a take home exam, you are expected to include specific details or examples rather than write in generalities.