
Cisp 698- risk management strategies in cloud computing


My Topic: Risk Management Strategies in Cloud Computing; Information and Data

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This chapter consists of the following components:

1. Introductory Statements

a. An overview of the research project
b. The content must be written from general to specific, from topic breadth to topic depth, or from past to present
c. Should contain three journal / proceedings citations

2. Statement of the Problem

a. Should begin by addressing a problem that is identified in the literatures
b. Should state specific impact using a quantitative measurement as an indicator
c. Should contain two to three journal /proceedings citations

3. Statement of Objective(s)

a. Should being by stating general objective of the research
b. Should address specific outcome and contributions to the solution of the stated problem
c. Should contain one to two journal citations
d. Should be about one page
e. Should be written in present tense

4. Definitions of Terms (if it is needed)

a. Should clarify and define terms that have multiple meanings or implications
b. Should define abbreviations that are discipline specific
c. It may contain citations from dictionaries and journals
d. Should be written in present tense


This Chapter contains past and the most recent information about the research topic. It should contain the following components:

1. Introductory Statements

a. Should contain a general survey of the topic (s)
b. Should be from general to specific, from topic breadth to topic depth
c. Should contain two to three journal citations
d. Should be written in past tense

2. Sub-Heading I

a. Should identify published research papers related to the topic(s)
b. Should summarize trends, developments, outcomes, directions, and other issues that are identified in the literature.
c. Should contain the conceptual framework
d. Should contain three to five journal /proceedings citations
e. Should be written in past tense

3. Sub-Heading II

a. Should begin with by identifying all the variables, models, instruments, or methods that are identified in the literature
b. Should state the origin of those specific variables from the conceptual model or methods
c. Should contain five to ten journal / proceedings citations
d. Should be written in past tense


This Chapter presents the reader with the variables identified, method(s) used to collect the data or identify project solution, hypothesis for analytical testing, tools used to implement the project, and methods of presenting the process. This Chapter consists of the following components:

1. Introduction

a. Should include statement of the objective
b. May include a brief description of the variables identified in section B.
c. The written content should be specific
d. It should be about one page maximum or half a page minimum

2. Data Gathering

a. Should state the targeted population and indicate the method of computing sample size should be computed using specific parameters.
b. Should specify method of collecting the data. If collecting data requires an instrument, the instrument must be pre-approved and show state evidence of reliability.

3. Hypothesis (for studies involving analytical testing)

a. Should include all the hypotheses that are related to the problem.
b. Should be about one page.

4. Method of Analysis

a. Should clearly state methods (quantitative techniques, development, assessment) or decision rule used for examining data or the project.
b. Should state the procedure and steps taking in implementation process and drawing conclusions.

4. Method of Presentation

a. Should state the logical presentation of the outcome.
b. Should describe the applied tolls such as graphics or there presentation facilities.
c. Should lead to a better understanding of the project findings.

This Chapter should documents and present all the outcomes and results of the project. Further discussion should be made about information containing in the presentation tools, the project contribution to the analysis of the result and design process and solution.

1. Introduction

a. A general restatement of the project or research objective.
b. A brief description of the method of approach.
c. Should be a bout one page.

2. Outcomes of Processes

a. Result in related to the method of approach should be clearly presented and discussed.
b. Should discuss if the outcomes can be generalized and if these results represent the real world situations.
c. Should clearly indicate results of each hypothesis.
d. Major and critical should be stated precisely.
e. Should be written in past tense.


This Chapter presents the reader with summary of project objective, methodology, results, caveats, and directions for future studies. Specifically, this chapter includes:

1. Introduction

a. A brief paragraph about the main focus of the project.
b. A summary of applied method.
c. A summary of the results.
d. Should be written in past tense.

2. Implications

a. Should address the results can contribute and applied to the related issues.
b. Should be about one page.
c. Should be written in present tense.

3. Direction for Future Research

a. Should state how the research or project can be expanded.
b. Should state how the project can be replicated using different conditions and methods.

4. Caveats

a. Should clearly state the limitations of the results and the domain of the problem.
b. Should be written in past tense.

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Computer Networking: Cisp 698- risk management strategies in cloud computing
Reference No:- TGS02241445

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