
Cis5100 assignment requirements how could the business use


LEARNING OBJECTIVES - Applicable course objective:

  • critically analyse business requirements from an information systems perspective
  • critique information systems concepts to identify and resolve problems within a business context
  • identify the appropriate information systems to develop practical solutions within a business context
  • communicate information systems concepts to both technical and non-technical audiences within a business context.

Applicable graduate qualities and skills gained from this assessment instrument:

  • Problem Solving (Skill U2)
  • Written & Oral Communication (Skill U4)


Dr Rikki Wagner was extremely impressed with our computing firm's - Mendelssohn Technologies - development of the Queen of Sheba Wedding Emporium' Database Management System (DBMS) utilising Microsoft Access and Decision Support System (DSS) utilising Microsoft Excel (Assignment 1).

Dr Wagner realises that the business has a lot to learn and that the business will need to invest considerable money to bring the business into the modern online business world, from their current single computer mail order set-up. Dr Wagner has contracted our firm to advise the business on how they can grow their mail order business into a cutting-edge online presence. The business has asked us to develop a report to provide them with information about the following topics that they see as key to their business growth:

1. What type of hardware and software, including networking infrastructure and/or a combination of cloud services, should the business acquire and/or procure to expand their capabilities to meet their new e-business initiative?

2. What would be the benefits to the business of using business intelligence?

3. What would be the benefits to the business of implementing a customer relationship management system?

4. What issues should the business be aware of when embarking on a social media presence?

Mrs Georgie Handel, your manager, has set up the following tasks for you to complete this project:

Task 1: Personal Research Journal

Task 2: Case Study Report

Task 3: PowerPoint Presentation to Client

Task 1: Personal Research Journal (max. 500 words)

Prepare a journal that records your activities and progress related to completing this assignment. In date order, clearly list the following:

  • Date of research activity/discussion
  • Full description of research activity / discussion (at least 25 words)
  • List of all appropriate web sites visited to collect information; other references accessed (using Harvard AGPS Referencing style - submitted separate to the List of References in Task 2).
  • Time duration of the activity

If you are working in a team, clearly state the activities of each team member.

Task 2: Case Study Report (max. 4,500 words)

Report Structure and Presentation

Your report should include a professional title page, computer generated Table of Contents (including List of Tables and List of Figures) and Appendices.

Report Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary and Introduction

Your report should include a letter of transmittal, executive summary, and introduction to the report.

Report Section 1 - Hardware, Software & Networking Infrastructure / Cloud Services

What type of hardware and software, including networking infrastructure and/or a combination of cloud services, should the business acquire and/or procure to expand their capabilities to meet their new e-business initiative?

  • Develop a computer hardware proposal (including printer(s)) to allow the business to provide up to ten (10) staff with computer access, including current Australian prices for the equipment. If you decide on a cloud-based infrastructure solution, develop the proposal to enable cloud services for infrastructure for server and data storage requirements, e.g. Amazon EC2 or Microsoft Azure. Justify why your proposal is necessary for the business.
  • Develop a computer software proposal, including both system and application software, to support the proposed computer hardware proposal, including Australian prices for the software. If you decide on a cloud-based software solution, develop the proposal to enable cloud services for software for e-commerce solutions, e.g. Microsoft Dynamics e-commerce or BigCommerce. Justify why your proposal is necessary for the business.
  • Include a diagram of the proposed hardware, software and network infrastructure; or the proposed cloud solution architecture; to help Dr Wagner visualise what you are recommending.

Report Section 2 - Business Intelligence

What would be the benefits to the business of using business intelligence?

  • How could the business use business intelligence? Outline for Dr Rikki Wagner how business intelligence can assist the business decision making.
  • How could the business use data mining to gain competitive advantage? What type of data mining would best suit the current business's analysis needs? Why?
  • What type of business intelligence tools would best suit the business's current needs? Why?

Report Section 3 - Customer Relationship Management

What would be the benefits to Dr Rikki Wagner of implementing a customer relationship management system?

  • How could the business support its customer facing day-to-day operations through the use of an operational customer relationship management system for marketing? Justify your answer.
  • How could the business support its customer facing day-to-day operations through the use of an operational customer relationship management system for sales? Justify your answer.
  • How could the business support its customer facing day-to-day operations through the use of an operational customer relationship management system for customer service? Justify your answer.
  • In what different ways could Dr Rikki Wagner use metrics from the business's customer relationship management systems to track and monitor performance for sales, service and marketing. Justify your answer.

Report Section 4 - Social Media

What issues should the business be aware of when embarking on a social media presence?

  • Outline to Dr Rikki Wagner why the business should also be considering using Social Media as an avenue for communicating with their customers and promoting their brand.
  • Review and critique, including providing screen captures, the social media presences of three (3) other businesses that sell similar products to Dr Rikki Wagner's.
  • How should the business manage their social media presence? Develop a draft Social Media Policy for the business that they can implement if they were to embark on a social media strategy.

Report: Conclusions and Recommendations to the Business

Your report should include separate conclusions and recommendations sections.

  • Conclusions provide a summary of your key findings from the body of the report.
  • Recommendations provide a summary of the recommendations to the business based on the research conducted in the report.

Task 3: PowerPoint Presentation to Client (max. 25 slides)

Mrs Georgie Handel has asked you to provide a professionally developed business presentation to the client, Dr Wagner, outlining the project scope, key findings and key recommendations from the Case Study Report. Create a Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation (using PowerPoint 2007 to current) and name it [1st student lastname] / [initial] _ [student number] _ & _ [2nd student lastname] / [initial] _ [course code] _ assign2.pptx (eg. genrichr_0050051005_cis1000_assign2.pptx).

Make sure that your professional developed business presentation is prepared so that it conforms to the course StudyDesk presentation resources. These resources include, but are not limited to the Practical Appendixes found on the Study Schedule and Module Materials and various videos.

The professional business presentations set of slides should be structured as follows:

Title - outlining the full Business Name, Project Description, Student Name and Student ID.

List of Topics

Presentation Content - the following are the topics the presentation must answer:

  • Outline the Scope of the Report
  • List and discuss the Key Findings from the Report
  • List and discuss the Recommendations from the Report

Summary of Presentation.


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