
Cis013-6 develop an appropriate set of business objectives

Managing IS Strategy and Security Risks


1. A comprehensive business strategy outlining the objectives for Motosmart Limited (2,000 words)

2. A comprehensive organisational strategy allowing the business objectives of Motosmart Limited to be achieved (1,500 words)

3. An information systems strategy for Motosmart that allows it to effectively monitor its sales, progress and achievement of the overall business objectives (2,000 words)

4. A business continuity plan for Motosmart so that is can ensure the business will still function in the case of a natural disaster or system security breach occurring (1,500 words)

Motosport Limited - an introduction

Motosport Limited is a new start-up company that was established in September 2014. The company provides spare parts for mid-range sports cars (e.g. Honda S2000, Mazda R8, MG MGF) and it has local warehouses and suppliers located within the Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire regions. It originally began using a standard business model whereby customers could visit the warehouse and ask an operator at the front desk for a particular part. The operator could then check the stock catalogue, locate the location of the part and send a request to general warehouse staff to locate the part and bring it to the front reception.

Motosport did, in addition, also operate a "call and collect" service whereby customers could ring the Motosport customer helpline, check stock availability and then reserve an item over the phone for collection later.

Having successfully run the business for a period of 12 months, with an annual turnover of £1,000,000 and achieved an operating profit of £25,000 the founding members, Managing Director Paul Malini and Head of Sales, Marie Garibaldi decided to undertake a customer satisfaction survey. They contacted over 2,000 clients and received 1,200 responses. The overall customer feedback was positive, but there were a number of areas in which their clients felt that change was needed.

Of the changes highlighted by clients the most important one was that of introducing a new online internet site for checking stock, ordering and arranging for delivery. Many clients felt that it was cumbersome having to call up a helpline, and it took too long to drive to one of the warehouses. They felt that if Motosport could offer an online service then they (the clients) were likely to provide Motosport with more business.

Both Mr Malini and Ms Garibaldi feel that the "customer is always right", but neither of them have the technical understanding (both have a wealth of experience in the motor trade) of IT systems in order to know which would be most beneficial to them. In addition, they are unsure as to how the overall business model and the business strategy need to change in order to be able to incorporate such a new online system. Added to this, they are also unsure as to how to develop an appropriate information systems (IS) strategy that aligns well with the business objectives.

As part of their search for answers, and in order to meet the needs of their clients they have hired a team of five consultants to help them devise a new business strategy, along with a well-aligned information systems strategy. The team will also be responsible for drawing up a system design for the new online system, and for ensuring the security of data held on the new system - the founder members of Motosport would like to ensure customers that their personal and credit card details are kept safe.

Developing the business strategy - your tasks

1. Develop an appropriate set of business objectives that incorporate the new online ordering system.

2. Outline the overall direction of the business over the next five years

3. Define the growth rates of the company

The aim of the business strategy task of this assignment is for you to develop a strategy that will allow Motosport to utilise the newly proposed technology, information systems, business processes and required personnel to help it achieve a fully Internet-based business model.

As part of this strategy development you should consider (and define from your perspective) the following:

1. The overall mission of Motosport

2. The business objectives of Motosport

3. The critical functions of the business

4. The so-called "road-map" for allowing Motosport to reach its target

When developing your strategy you should think carefully about the different components that should be included, and you are advised to research and find an appropriate template for presenting your business strategy.
Developing the organisational strategy

1. Devise an appropriate organogram for the company that incorporates the new staff expertise in IT required to maintain and support the existing system.

In the organisational strategy you should discuss how the resources (technology, personnel etc.) will be utilised to help Motosport achieve the goals set out it's business strategy.

Developing IS strategy

1. Define the technology required to support the new system

2. Discuss how the IS strategy supports the overall business strategy

3. Define a set of objectives for the overall IS strategy

The aim of the Information Systems (IS) strategy is to help Motosport understand how it can best utilise Information Systems, personnel and technology to achieve its overall business strategy. When developing your strategy you should consider the following:

1. What are the systems needed to help Motosport achieve its business goals

2. How is IS going to be utilised to achieve these goals

3. What role does IS play within the overall business context

When developing your IS strategy you are encouraged to research the main components of such a strategy, and devise your own template for presenting the IS strategy you have developed.

Business continuity plan

The journey that Motosport is embarking upon is a risky one, including the roll-out of some radical changes (from both a business and technical viewpoint). Therefore there needs to be a contingency plan in place to ensure that the business can still function even in the event of systems failure. You will therefore need to develop a contingency and business continuity plan that addresses the following points

1. Policies and procedures for the contingency

2. Key business areas that must be kept functional

3. Staff responsible

The final report

When producing the final report, the strategies, designs and contingency plans should be put together to form a single Feasibility report for Motosport. The report should be logically laid out, and should provides links between the different sections so that the reader can see how the different pieces of the jigsaw fit together.

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Business Economics: Cis013-6 develop an appropriate set of business objectives
Reference No:- TGS02230422

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