Petrie's Electronics is a company running a chain electronic stores. Recently, the executive team decided that the number one priority the company hadwas to not only survive but to thrive and to prosper, and the way to do that was to develop closer relationships with the customers. The company would want to attract new customers, like all of competitors.But also like those competitors, the company would want to keep their customers for life, kind of like a frequent flier program. And the company would want to reward most the customers who spend the most. The called the project "No Customer Escapes."
The following data contain the four core functions the system must perform and the description of entities within Petrie's Customer Loyalty System.Create a Level-0 DFD, a Level-1 DFD, and an ERD based on the description within the two tables and the context diagram. Note that the ERD must be in 3rd Normal Form and there should not be any syntax error within the DFDs.
Record customer activities - When a customer makes a purchase, the transaction must be recorded in the customer loyalty system, as the rewards the system generates are driven by purchases. Similarly, when a customer uses a coupon generated by the system, it must also be recorded, so that the customer activity records can be updated to show that the coupon has been used and is now invalid.
Send promotions - Data about customer activities provide information about what types of products customers tend to buy and in what quantities. This information helps determine what sales promotion materials are best targeted at what customers. For example, customers who buy lots of video games should receive promotions about games, game platforms, and HD TVs.
Generate point redemption coupons - Data about customer activities is used to generate coupons for future purchases. Those coupons must be made available to customers, either as paper coupons sent in the mail or online, in the customer's private account area. Once created, the customer activity database needs to be updated to show the creation of the coupon. The loyalty points needed to create the coupon must be deducted from the customer's total points.
Generate customer reports - From time to time, either in the mail or electronically, customers need to be sent account reports that show their recent purchases, the coupons they have been issued that have not yet been redeemed, and the total points they have amassed from their purchases.
Coupon - A coupon is a special promotion created specifically for an individual customer. A coupon is for a set dollar amount, for example, $10. The customer may use it like cash or like a dollars-off promotion when purchasing products or services. Coupons can only be created for an individual customer based on the points in his or her customer loyalty account. For each dollar value of a coupon, a certain number of points must be redeemed. Coupons must be accounted for when created and when redeemed.
Customer - A customer is someone who buys products and/or services from Petrie's Electronic. Customers include both online customers and those who shop in Petrie's brick and mortar stores.
Product - An item made available for sale to a Petrie's customer. For example, a product is a 40" Sony LCD HD television.Products can be purchased online or in brick-and-mortar stores.
Promotion - A promotion is a special incentive provided to a customer to entice the customer into buying a specific productor service. For example, a promotion intended to sell Blu-ray disks may involve 2-for-1 coupons. Promotionsare targeted to all customers, or to subsets of customers, not just to individual customers.
Services - A job performed by one of Petrie's associates for a customer. For example, upgrading the memory in acomputer by installing new memory cards is a service that Petrie's provides for a fee. Services may only beordered and performed in brick-and-mortar stores, not online.
Transaction - A record that a particular product or service was sold to a specified customer on a particular date. A transactionmay involve more than one product or service, and it may involve more than one of a particular kind ofproduct or service. For example, one transaction may involve blank DVDs and prerecorded DVDs, and theprerecorded DVDs may all be of the same movie. For members of the loyalty program, each transaction isworth a number of points, depending on the dollar value of the transaction.
Context Diagram

1. One level-0 DFD
2. One level-1 DFD
3. ERD
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