
Church deal with the many patterns

How did the Church deal with the many patterns of beliefand differences of faith which cropped up from time to time during theMiddle Ages? Was a strong hand needed to keep the people from strayingfrom the fold, or was the Church too authoritarian and too brutal inits methods against so-called heretics? Is this a case where someauthoritarianism is justified? Should the faith of the majority beallowed to impose its will on the daily lives of others with differentor no faith at all?These critical thinking exercises are short essays ( 500words ) that you write in response to the questions. It must be yourown work, in your own words and demonstrate that you have given somethought to the question. There may not be a "right answer" as thepurpose is to spark your imagination and make connections

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Term Paper: Church deal with the many patterns
Reference No:- TGS055161

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