
Chronic disease health promotion

Project Plan: Chronic Disease Health Promotion

Choose one of the chronic diseases or determinants outlined below

. Oral Health
. Dementia
. Hearing Disorders(focus on childhood middle ear conditions)
. Hypertension

Prepare a detailed health promotion project plan for an innovation in chronic disease/determinant for an Australian community. Explore how you anticipate it will improve health outcomes for the chosen community. Prepare a detailed health promotion project plan for an innovation in chronic disease/determinant for an Australian community. Explore how you anticipate it will improve health outcomes for the chosen community. Your assignment should include:

A specific health message

A health promotion prevention or management plan – community focussed.

Have a distinct target group identified for the health project.

Outline the perspective health outcomes for this project plan You can follow a health project template to base your project on such as the Australian Government Department of Health template: Ten Steps for Planning a Health Promotion ?Arect

(https://livelonger.health.gov.au/part- 1-ten-steps-for-planning-a-health-promotion-project/)

Or follow the outlines provided in the set text Fleming & Parker 2012:

Chapter: Health Promotion Or You may identify another appropriate health promotion template Health statistics used for your assignment can be based on the overall Australian population. Further information for this assignment is provided in the Assignment Information on the Learnline site Note: As per the CDU Academic Integrity Policy you cannot reuse an assessment already submitted in the same or another unit; therefore if you are using the same topic as Assessment One: Part A be careful not to copy and paste into Assessment One: Part B. Timely completion of study materials (primarily Topics 1-5): information pertaining to each above point can be found in the learning materials and set text; students should research using library and web resources and review what other projects/health incentives have been successful for the chosen chronic disease. Essay format, Cover page, font 12pt either calibri or arial preferred. 1.5 spacing. Ensure you have a footer with page numbers and your student name/number. If you use headings you should have a content page. Reference list at end of document using APA style, at least 10 references should be used including research articles (reference does not contribute to word count). No tables, point form or diagrams please.

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Biology: Chronic disease health promotion
Reference No:- TGS01432332

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