
Christian worldview

Discuss the following in a word limit of 500 words:

1. You must Contain a thread of 400–500 words.

2. You must Include the textbook for the course.

3. You must Include at least 2 additional scholarly resources.

4. You must Include Bible references.

5. You must Include an assessment/analysis of your Christian worldview as it relates to the topic.

6. You must Include both in-text citations and references in APA format.

7. You must Utilize correct English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

8. You must  Include clear topic sentences for each paragraph, supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence/paragraph.
This is the textbook:
Werner, J., & DeSimone, R. (2012). Human resource development (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson-Southwestern. ISBN: 9780538480994.
Q1: Compare and contrast the pedagogical and andragogical approaches to instruction. Suppose the president of a local hospital asks you to design a program to increase employee awareness of sexual harassment and train participants in ways to deal with harassment complaints. Which principles (from either approach) do you feel might be useful? Support your choices.

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