
Christian understanding of the human person

Assignment task: We have moved from the "structure" of the human person (body, soul, and spirit) to justification and sanctification, to the nature of the human will and divine grace to the shape of the Christian life (as an individual and as a member of the body of Christ.).

I said at the beginning of the course that I would not give you a polished definition of the Christian understanding of the human person. Rather, I would let such a definition evolve over time. Well, that time has come! I am asking you to describe on the nature of the human person in light of Jesus Christ. You should indeed make use of the theologians we have read, but not simply to repeat their arguments. Rather, I want you to synthesize the course --- to use your own thoughts, reflections, insights, and critique in crafting your analysis. To put it simply, I am asking you to make sense of this course;

What would be a good thesis paragraph about the above statement??

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Other Subject: Christian understanding of the human person
Reference No:- TGS03372300

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