Writing Assignments
Assignment : Chose a culture/ethnicity/religion different from your own and research their funeral and bereavement customs. Write a paper outlining your own beliefs (you will need to do some research here as well. I am sure there are things to learn!), and the beliefs of the culture/ethnicity/religion you researched. Include a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two points of view and a paragraph regarding your personal reaction (what surprised you? Do they have customs/rituals you find interesting?). Conclude by discussing the pros/cons of both sets of customs/rituals and how you feel they benefit (or do not benefit) the population they serve.
Primary Goal: The paper will be written and graded with "the controlling idea" or thesis, organization, topic sentences, and transitions as the main concerns.
1. Format
o Length: 4-6 pages
o Word-processed, double-spaced, page numbers, one inch margins
o Title
o Proper documentation (MLA)
3. Use standard English grammar, punctuation and spelling.
4. Use a minimum of one primary source and two secondary sources.
5. Organize your essay.
o The essay should contain an introduction, topic sentences, supporting material, and a conclusion.
o Attend to coherence, particularly in transitions between paragraphs.
6. Be specific, refer to references in detail, use examples.
o Address personal experience
o Respond substantially to the assignment
o Have a controlling idea in the paper
o Show logical organization, consistently applied
o Show good paragraphing
o Use the MLA style of documentation
o Do not allow errors to get in the way of expressing your ideas